Summer 2011

Maple Grove, MN to Jamestown, ND

323 Miles/517 Km

12 June 2011

Route Map

Click on pinpoints for local information

Destination Map

Photographs and Commentary
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After saying our farewells to Joy and Doug, we headed out at about 7:30am. This is a simple run, get on I-94 westbound and get off when you get to Jamestown. It was cloudy when we left and it was not long before we hit rain showers. The first 220 miles got us across Minnesota to Fargo, ND, where the rain decided to come down harder. Murphy's law worked again and the rain got harder just in time for us to stop at a truck stop to refuel.

When we got back on the road, North Dakota gave us a demonstration on why it is one of the country's prime spots for wind power generation. On the plus side, the rains let up about 50 miles into North Dakota and the winds were mostly on our tail. It would have been a challenge to run against winds this strong. We made it to the Jamestown Campground by early afternoon.

We had been to this RV Park six years ago on our return from the first Alaska trip. Unfortunately my memory didn't give me a clue as to how poor the road from the Interstate to the park was. You have to travel about a mile on a dirt washboard of a road. The road was still wet from recent rains and it provided the front of the trailer with a coating of mud. The sites themselves are OK, but... I don't think we will be stopping here on any future trips through this area.

We had gone into the town of Jamestown in 2005 and had no strong memories of it. Considering the weather conditions, we decided not to unhitch the trailer from the truck and stay in the trailer for the remainder of the day.

Not a day with a lot of activity, other than the drive. But then, you need days like this every so often.

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